Don't Forget To Click "Continuez"

and finish reading posts in which I had especially a lot of things to say!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Trois Petites Choses

1.  One student lives in the IES building, a floor above the school. The school owns two of the floors. Even if there are businesses, there are almost always also apartments in every building because the buildings are long and many stories high -- not sky scrapers, but 5 to 7 stories. Also, all of the buildings are the same height.

2. The French do not laugh like "ah hohn hohn hohn." (I was a little disappointed because I always laughed like this in an accent but it's probably better they laugh normally...)

3. Everyone carries baguettes. Everyone eats bread...ALL THE TIME.

Boulangerie after's incredible!

Hope this was interesting!

Be jealous that I have an excuse to eat so much delicious bread,


  1. Mmmmmm you better greet me with two whole baguettes when I come to visit!

  2. Hi Monica,
    That bread looks really good! I really miss you but it seems like you're having a great time.

  3. Hey Monica!! It sounds like you're having a great time and I love reading your blog!!! It almost feels like I am right there with you!! By the way those baguettes looked DELICIOUS!!!
    Love, Natalia <3

  4. "2. The French do not laugh like "ah hohn hohn hohn." (I was a little disappointed because I always laughed like this in an accent but it's probably better they laugh normally...)"

    Haha, it would be so great if they did.

  5. That PJ story is pretty funny. I bet you won't be making that same mistake again. We love your blog and enjoy tuning in each night. And Uncle Stefan said if you are starting to think in French and make English mistakes (like he does sometimes) then you are on your way to fluency in French. Nantes looks like a beautiful, old European city. Does your host family live in the city or countryside?

  6. catching up on your blog right now. everything sounds AMAZING! im curious though, is the bread the BEST bread you've ever had or just really good?
    <3 anna
